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Les représentations de l’environnement sonore urbain


CRESSON, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble
Grenoble, France




From Monday the 26th to Friday the 30th of January 2015, within the framework of 12th Sound Week in Region.


Graduate School of Architecture of Grenoble. 60, Avenue de Constantine, Grenoble, France


25 participants.


Representing the sonic dimension of our urban environment allows us to focus our attention on this second (yet essential) sensitive modality of ordinary experience. By raising sonic qualities of a territory, representing the sounds of the city opens the question of a sensitive diagnostic able to support design intents for urban development. In this operational perspective, representing the sound also makes it possible to share and debate about the representations of different people that a project of urban transformation sensible to perceptions and practices must take into account.

Description and notation, schematic, filmic and cartographic representations are tools and techniques to identify and translate the urban soundscape that this winter school proposes to investigate. Building on research works that Cresson Laboratory has developed since its beginning, this week of training will be organized around theoretical and methodological contributions about modes of representation and the imaginary dimension linked to sonic environment.

These courses will be articulated to a practical workshop in which we will represent our in situ sonic perception and we will identify sonic situations of an urban territory in mutation.From a walking exploration of one district of Grenoble (administrative district of Dode sector until the river and the old cemetery), participants will be invited to identify and represent the sonic characteristics of urban public spaces.

At the end of the workshop, we will think about the impact of identifying sonic qualities of a territory in the formulation of design intents.


Françoise Acquier, Laure Brayer, Grégoire Chelkoff, Julien Delas, Sylvie Laroche, Julien McOisans, Anthony Pecqueux, Pascaline Thiollière, Henry Torgue et Pascal Amphoux.


A public conference will be held by Cécile Régnault about The Visual Representations of Sonic Phenomena.


This week of training will be in French language.

Organization and contact


Public visé

Architectes, professionnels de l’urbain, plasticiens, journalistes, étudiants – issus notamment de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble (étudiants en Master et Doctorat), de l’Institut d’Urbanisme de Grenoble (Master de Design Urbain), de l’Ecole Supérieure d’Art et de Design de Grenoble (Licence) et de l’Ecole Supérieure d’Art de l’Agglomération d’Annecy (Licence).

Conditions matérielles

Les participants bénéficieront d’un accès privilégié à la documentation du Cresson. Le laboratoire met aussi à disposition des participants du matériel d’enregistrement et de mixage sonore. Toutefois, pour plus de souplesse et de commodité, chacun est invité à utiliser ses propres ordinateurs et matériels de représentation. Merci de signaler votre équipement personnel sur la fiche d’inscription.

Conditions d’inscription

  • Les frais d’inscription sont fixés à 300 euros TTC pour les professionnels et à 100 euros TTC pour les personnes sans emploi fixe. La gratuité sera accordée aux étudiants sur présentation de leur carte.
  • La date limite d’inscription est fixée au vendredi 19 décembre 2014.
  • La formation est ouverte à 25 personnes. Les candidats retenus seront informés le 5 janvier 2015.



Synthesis of the 3rd Cresson’s Winter School

Laure Brayer & Sylvie Laroche 

Within the framework of the Cresson’s 3rd Winter School dedicated this year to the question of the representations of sonic urban environment, 20 people (professionals and students in geography, urban planning, communication, music, architecture, design, sociology, anthropology, etc.) took part of a workshop.

Held every afternoon around in situ experimentations, this workshop was articulated to theoretical and methodological interventions presented each morning by researchers of Cresson. This workshop proposed to discover a part of Grenoble territory from:

  • A collective and silent walk going through various spaces (public, semi-public, private), different ground levels of the city (soil, urban slab, 26th floor of a residential tower) and many periods of urbanization (XIXth century rampart, former suburb and collective housing from the 60’s-70’s).
  • Some individual exercises of located listening (identification of sounds which are close / distant, weak / strong, fixed / moving, continuous / discontinuous).
  • Blindfolded drifts by a group of 3 people (the blind, the guide and the witness).
  • Videographic experiments focused on contrasts between images and sounds.
  • An amplified listening device.
  • A path revealing thresholds and transitions of ambiance.

It is through these different ways to confront the site, and by more autonomous exploration and recordings of the place, that participants developed the work they presented on Friday, January the 30th, 2015, at the Platform of Grenoble.

According to Pascal Amphoux, compere of this restitution session, the different works presented have revealed five ways to visually represent sound.

Temporal shift, literal and strictly codified transposition, film benchmarking, graphic transcription and replication or erasing are the many ways to represent the sound that you can find by consulting the productions of this Winter School. They are exposed on line, on Cresson’s website.


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