Londres, Royaum-Uni
Staging Atmospheres – Theatre and the Atmospheric Turn
- Tonino Griffero, Universita di Roma Tor Vergata
- Carl Lavery, University of Glasgow
- Martin Welton, Queen Mary University of London – email: m.welton@qmul.ac.uk
- Penelope Woods, Queen Mary University of London – email: p.woods@qmul.ac.uk
Day 1, Dec. 8th, 2017 – Senate House, Bloomsbury, Central London
- Dr Martin Welton, Queen Mary University of London
- Dr Penelope Woods, Queen Mary University of London
- Dr Damien Masson, Université de Cergy-Pontoise and the International Ambiances Network
- Professor Tonino Griffero, Università di Roma Tor Vergata – Theatrical Atmospheres: Much Ado About Nothing?
10.45-11.15 Break
- Dr. Tom Cornford, Central School of Speech and Drama – Michael Chekhov’s Atmospheric Dramaturgy
- Lydia Jorgensøn, Copenhagen Business School – The Theatrical in Organizational Atmosphere
- Dr. Evelyn O’Malley, University of Exeter – Weathering Atmospheric Theatre
- Dr. Rosie Klich, University of Kent – Mediated Absence and Sensory Bleed
1-2 Lunch (Jessell Room)
2-3.40 Panel 2: Containment and Circulation – mood, breath and air
- Dr. George Home-Cook, Independent Scholar – Attending Atmospheres
- Dr. Anna Harpin, University of Warwick – Something and Nothing: Realism and Melancholy in Marsha Norman’s ‘Night, Mother’
- Dr. Chloe Preedy, University of Exeter – ‘Contagious’, ‘Poisoned’, and ‘Stinking’: Early Modern Theatrical Atmospheres
- Dr. Allison Deutermann, CUNY – Early Modern Breath and Breathing: 2 Henry 6
3.40-4 Break
4-5.30 Panel 3: Practical and ambient technologies of atmosphere in the theatre
- Dr. Scott Palmer, University of Leeds – Light, darkness and scenographic atmosphere
- Dr. Casper Ebbensgaard, Queen Mary University of London – On the margins of the artificially illuminated city
- Dr. Joslin McKinney, University of Leeds – Scenographic atmosphere and spectatorship: materialities and affordances
5.30-6- Roundup and Information for Saturday’s Workshop
- 3 hours including interval
- Suggested places for post-show drinks: The Jugged Hare / Two Brewers
Day 2, Dec. 9th, 2017 – Arts One and Two Buildings, Queen Mary University of London
- Yaron Shyldkrot, University of Surrey – Working Group 1
- Karen Christopher, Queen Mary University of London – Working Group 2
- Chloe Déchery, Université Paris 8 – Working Group 3
- Scenography by Johannes Birringer / design in motion by Michèle Danjoux
- Sound by Sara S. Belle
- Mugu interfaces by Haein Song
- Dancers: Helenna Ren, Haein Song, Zhi Xu, Vanessa Michielon
- Virtual Reality design: Doros Polydorou
- Professor Carl Lavery, University of Glasgow
3-3.15 Break
- Feedback from Working Groups
5.15-5.45 Summary and Next Steps
- Post-conference drinks at The Morgan Arms, Tredegar Square