Ambiances & Atmospheres in Translation
Many authors, from the second half of the nineteenth century onwards, have struggled to implement a sensitive approach to urban modernity. How to be attentive to changes in the urban world and the minute variations of the ordinary? From the aesthetic thought of Simmel to Goffman’s ecological approach, the philosophies of everydayness in anthropology, from Laplantine to Kracauer and White, to Wittgenstein, Bégout, and Rancière, work has described, translated and called into question the role of ambiance and atmosphere in the construction of urban life. Coalescing around notions of ambiance or atmosphere, notable research trajectories have interlaced disciplinary concerns within urban studies, cultural geography, sociology and architecture, especially in relation to interconnected concepts such as affect, place, aura, and ecology. Rarely, however, have these trajectories actually met or collided.
- Kyran Joughin (University of the Arts, London)
- Derek McCormack (Oxford University)
- Jean-Paul Thibaud (Cresson, ENSAG, Grenoble).
Organizers of the seminar
- Peter Adey (Royal Holloway, University of London)
- Paul Simpson (Keele University)
- Damien Masson (Université de Cergy-Pontoise, MRTE, Cresson)
- Rachel Thomas (researcher at Cresson CNRS, Director of Cresson, ANR MUSE research coordinator)
Monday, Feb. 25th
Venue – University of London, Senate House
- Introduction of MUSE project, Rachel Thomas, Damien Masson
- Introduction of Ambiances & Atmospheres in Translation Seminar, Peter Adey, Paul Simpson
14.00-16.00 Ambiances in translation into language
- Ambiance versus Ambiente, Rozenn Canevet
- Feminine agent for change: reading Cornelia Sorabi through the paradoxes of Kali and the Zenana, Paidma Maitland
- A relevant City and the symbolic resources of art and poetry, Robert Galeta
- From the heritage of the stone to the sensitive heritage, Nadia Edhifi
- The dynamic translation of sensorial and physical ambiences in architecture and urban spaces, Claude MH Demers
18.00 Free evening
Tuesday, Feb. 26th
- Dancing with the sounds of birds: affect and atmosphere in transcultural performance, Martin Welton
- The affective atmospheres of nationalism: the case of London 2012 Olympics, Angharad Closs Stephens
11.15-11.30 Break
- The installation projection as a translator, Toumadher Ammar
- A place-score: the temporal narratives of Fitzroy Square, Filipa Wunderlich
13.00-14.00 Lunch
- MUSE Research Axis 3 ‘Surveillance(s) in public’ group, Peter Adey, Laure Brayer, Damien Masson, Paul Simpson, Nicolas Tixier
16.30- 18.00 Visit of Gerard Byrne
- ‘A state of neutral pleasure’ exhibit – Whitechapel Gallery, 77-82 Whitechapel High Street
19.30 Dinner at Caravan King’s Cross, 1 Granary Square