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Symposium series: The Body, the Mind and the City

Between the 7th of June and the 5th of July, 2017, POST-OFFICE, Delftsestraat 9, Rotterdam
Healing Places has the pleasure to invite you to The Body, the Mind and the City, a series of 5 symposiums that will take place between June and July 2017 at Post-Office. Together with spatial designers, scientists, tech developers, artists and designers, we will explore the relationship between the human body and physical space. These transdisciplinary discussions will also investigate how space design and technology can affect our physiological and psychological condition, change our sensory perception and behaviors.


#1 SKIN – 7 June, 2017
How could we develop haptic and interactive space design to create a more direct sensory experience for users?
With Ten Vonk and Myrto Karanika
#2 MOVEMENT – 14 June, 2017
How can we integrate physical needs and  use active design in order to improve urban health? How do we move through urban spaces? How our physical conditions (age, disability, exercise) can influence the way we move and perceive space?
With Andres Carretero and Valerio Signorelli
#3 PURIFICATION – 21 June, 2017
What exactly is an healthy  environment or an healthy body? To which extent can we use spatial design to purify/control/enhance our body and mind?
#4 AUGMENTED – 28 June, 2017
Between utopia and reality, how does technology shape bodies and space?Could imagine and design adaptive and sensory urban environment using a variety of technological systems? How would it impact our health and perception?
With Nimish Biloria and Alwin de Rooij
#5 TRAUMA – 05 July, 2017
How do traumatic, dementia or other type of mental illness change the perception of space and human behavior?How can we develop spaces whose physical characteristics could help people heal, recover?
With Sophie Gleizes


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